Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fucked up....

My friend just sent me this. This is fucking corrupt.
Trevon Cole should be a married man today. He should be enjoying the first months with his newborn child, and maybe buying a house with his fiance.Instead he’s in the ground.A Las Vegas police officer shot him in the face with a rifle, in front of his 9 months pregnant fiance, while he was sitting on the toilet unarmed.
The reason for this? A small time pot sales warrant.
     Police had decided that Mr. Cole was a major drug dealer, and so they went in heavy…luckily they managed to take a personal bag of weed and 700 dollars off the streets. (of course 350 of it was from jewelry he had pawned earlier that day to make the rent money.)
    The dangerous criminal they got the search warrant for? Turns out it wasn’t even the right Mr. Cole.
They had him confused with someone several years older, with a different middle initial. As if that’s not enough, the “dangerous character with a long drug arrest rap sheet” that they confused him with, had to his credit, 3 misdemeanor pot arrests.
    The Cole that they shot had NEVER been in trouble with the law outside of a misdemeanor as a minor.
So here we have a heavily armed squad of men, busting in a door, and shooting an unarmed, innocent man in the face. In most places that’s considered a cold blooded execution.
   A coroners inquest was held, and despite the coroner finding that from the angle of the shot, Mr. Cole had certainly been on his knees when he was shot, the shoot was ruled justified.
Luckily the family isn’t taking it lying down, they’re currently preparing a lawsuit against the LVPD, charges are alleging wrongful death, civil rights violations, and possibly a RICO claim.


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  3. All this name shit happens far too often. Ever try to go out of country when someone with a similar name is on the watch list? Yeah...don't.

    My blog is here. I post some gaming and life stuff.

  4. Nice blog dude, crazy story though.

    Follow me, my blog is just about random stuff I feel like posting

  5. Shot in the face? With a rifle? On toilet? Talk about a trigger happy officer.

  6. I'm really sorry to hear about that, bud. Here: I have some stuff that may be able to cheer you up :-)

  7. Damn, poor guy. If you have a common name in America, change it. This shit could happen to all of you Mr Coles and Davids.

  8. wow.. just wow... some cops get so drunk in power =[

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